2024 Ambassadors’ Ball
Celebrate the Hospitality Committee’s 70th Anniversary!
Attended by Ambassadors from around the world, we invite guests from the diplomatic and business communities to join us for a festive evening of cocktails, fine dining, dancing, and a silent auction.
WHERE: Metropolitan Club New York
WHEN: Friday, November 22, 2024 – 7pm-Midnight
Please call 212.963.8753 to RSVP and purchase tickets or email us at hcund@un.org. See the 2024 Ambassadors’ Ball Save-the-Date here.
Please note tickets are limited and may not be purchased directly from our website. If you are unable to attend but would like to make a donation, please visit our PayPal page here.

2024 70th Anniversary Humanitarian Award

Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton, & Garrison, LLP
Our Online Silent Auction
Packed with exciting experiences, fine NYC dining, high-end hotels, jewelry and artwork, along with luxury goods and services.
Watch here for news on when the auction will go live.
Thank you and good luck to all!
Dine with an Ambassador
Attend the Ambassadors’ Ball to bid on an opportunity to dine with an ambassador. Each year, UN ambassadors donate dinners hosted at their residences as a part of our Silent Auction. The most popular items in the auction, these dinners are enjoyed by both hosts and guests as a lovely way to meet and learn more about each other in a unique and intimate setting. For security reasons, bidding on the Ambassador Dinners requires attendance at the Ball and must be done in person.

The Ball Chairs and Gala Committee wish to thank those Ambassadors who graciously offered to donate dinners in their homes, and to our sponsors who donated goods, services, trips and experiences for our auction.
Ambassadors’ Ball Photography by Don Pollard

The Ball Chairs and Gala Committee wish to thank those Ambassadors who graciously offered to donate dinners in their homes, and to our sponsors who donated goods, services, trips and experiences for our auction.
Ambassadors’ Ball Photography by Don Pollard